After living in my home for 19 years, I decided to change the look of the from yard. Over the years, I’ve removed some trees and filled in a garden, however the area in front of the house had basically been left alone.
Over time, some of the trees have grown too large and were causing problems. It was time for a change.

Plans include removing all growth (4 cedars and 2 lilacs) and use crush to fill in the space. I’ll then use planters for flowers. I’m hoping this will make things easier to keep, and enhance the look of the old pad.
So, being a camera guy, you know I’m going to take pictures along the way. And of course the pictures will be available on my SmugMug site in a gallery titled: Front Yard Reno Project – 2011. Check it out over the next few weeks (months?) to see how things are coming along. I’m really excited about this project. I may know how to set up a home network or the difference between f2.8 and f22, but I don’t know squat about landscaping!